
Hello and welcome to my blog, where I share my journey as a seasoned teacher who loves to explore education technology in the classroom. This blog is not meant to be an authoritative source of information, but rather a personal space where I can share ideas and offer feedback about what has worked for me and others when using EdTech.

Introducing the Implementation Pain Indicator:

The IPI scale is a light-hearted and very-very rough gauge of how difficult or easy it will be to follow and put into practice a my Ed Tech tips and suggestions.

Levels one and two are what I hope to aim for with regularity, no pain some gain definitely my preferred option! Level 3 may be unavoidable, at times but don’t let that put you off, the benefits will definitely outweigh any difficulties or time input required. I promise I will try to avoid any level 5 tips – simply because I’m not that ‘IT-lit’ and I value my desk and Surface Pro too much. Level 5 = suffering.


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